Any user interacting with our site and providing Bawarchi Biryanis - St.Louis, MO with name, address, telephone number, e-mail address, domain name or URL or any other personally identifiable information permits Bawarchi Biryanis - St.Louis, MO to use such information for commercial purposes of its own, including contacting Users about products and services which may be of interest. For each visitor to our web site, our web server recognizes only the visitor's domain name, not the e-mail address. We collect information volunteered by the visitor, such as form submittals and/or site registrations. This information is used to improve the content of our web site, it is not shared with other organizations for commercial purposes. Any User who does not wish to receive further contacts from Bawarchi Biryanis - St.Louis, MO should send Bawarchi Biryanis - St.Louis, MO a specific request (i.e., stating do not use or do not share or both) by email marked "Privacy-Urgent" addressed to

Bawarchi Biryanis - St.Louis, MO does not sell, rent or otherwise disclose its mailing lists to third parties. Bawarchi Biryanis - St.Louis, MO reserves the right to modify this Acceptable Use Policy at any time in its sole and absolute discretion.